Vitamin Expert

Q & A: How to deal with heartburn

“I suffer terribly with heartburn. How can I manage it naturally?”

Medical herbalist Gabriella Clarke provides some answers.

We all get a bit of heartburn (or acid reflux to give it its medical name) from time to time. It can range from mild discomfort to quite severe pain. Common causes include overeating, being overweight, pregnancy and smoking. Certain foods such as citrus fruits, chocolate, onions, fried food and spicy foods are common triggers.

There are plenty of over-the-counter treatments as well as prescription medicines, which although effective often have side effects, especially if used long term. So here are some natural solutions to this common problem.


A tablespoon of aloe vera juice can be very soothing and reduce pain and inflammation.


Slippery elm powder has what is known as a demulcent effect, which means it coats the throat and oesophageal lining exerting a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. It also helps prevent foods from causing further irritation to the delicate lining.


Marshmallow root, being both soothing and healing, works in a similar way to Slippery Elm.


Meadow sweet is nature’s antacid and works by slightly reducing stomach acid – it is best combined with marshmallow or slippery elm root.


Simple techniques to help beat heartburn include avoiding any known trigger foods which you know bring on heartburn; not exercising or lying down after meals can also help as well as not eating too much in one sitting.


Frequent bouts of heartburn may be the symptom of a more serious condition such as GORD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease).  Left untreated, it can cause irreparable damage to the oesophagus. If you have any concerns make sure you book a visit to your GP.