Vitamin Expert
CLose up of a man holding his head to represent being tired and headachy

Q & A: Nutrition for an underactive thyroid

After feeling very tired for a few months I visited my doctor who carried out a number of blood tests. This showed an underactive thyroid.  Are there any nutritional tips to help with this condition”

Clinical nutritionist Suzie Sawyer answers.

I am glad the tests have at least discovered the reason for your tiredness. Other symptoms of low thyroid function include weight gain, cold hands and constipation; this is because the thyroid controls our metabolism.

There are several nutritional factors involved with effective production of thyroid hormones. Firstly, the mineral iodine, which is found in fish and is needed to make tyrosine – key in thyroid hormone production.  Iodine is rich in sea vegetables such as nori, which can either be used fresh in cooking or dried.  Sea vegetables can actually be added to a number of dishes, as their flavour is not strongly fish tasting.

Selenium, again found in seafood and also high in Brazil nuts, together with the B vitamins found in wholegrains and cereals, are also important.  Try to avoid any soy products, which are also known ‘goitrogens’, as they can block production of thyroid hormones.